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Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute®

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5a - Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy - Certification Program™ (NART-CP; 315.0 Contact Hours; Special Application and Approval Required)

NACCTP: Addiction Counseling Skills


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, MAC, RN, ACS

Calendar Jun 30, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: Along with Principles of Addiction Treatment and Case Conceptualization and Documentation, Addiction Counseling Skills is considered to be part of the “Core Curriculum” and basic to the foundational training of an addiction counselor. The purpose of this class is to provide a framework and counseling model for working with clients with substance use disorders and other problem behaviors as well as addiction. The focus of this course is to teach the essential counseling skills needed to help clients unpack their stories and move forward in the change process. The models utilize a client-centered, counselor-directed therapy approach along with a motivational spirit of counseling. Recording and feedback assist the participants in developing a standard level of counseling skills proficiency. Additionally, this and all addiction counselor classes seek to enhance the ability of the counselor to offer treatment services in a manner that respects gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural, familial, systemic, and socioeconomic diversity. NOTE: This class can be taken independently, as a required course for CAT/CAS/LAC credentialing, and also as part of the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy - Certification Program™ (NART-CP); Save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NART-CP Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.

  • DATE: June 30, July 1, and 2, 2025 (Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 21.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing; Applicable to the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy - Certification Program™ (NART-CP).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read the Handbook for Addiction Counselors (CAC/LAC), available HERE.
  • BHA REQUIRED INSTRUCTOR: No (May Apply for Educational Equivalency).
  • PREREQUISITE(S): CAT/CAS = None; LAC = N/A (Not Required).
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 4 payments of $43.50, paid every four weeks.

NCPD: Synthesis Project


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Jul 1, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: Practice Endorsement™ (PE) Synthesis Project. NOTE: This course cannot be taken independently and requires completion and submission of the Practice Endorsement Synthesis Project Form along with any associated materials. The Practice Endorsement Synthesis Form can be found HERE.

  • DATE: TBD with NCPD.
  • TIME: TBD with NCPD.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
  • PACKAGE DISCOUNTS: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NRSA-PE Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.

NACCTP: 5-SU25-LAC Full Class Package


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, MAC, RN, ACS

Calendar Jul 8, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: The Noeticus Addiction Counselor Clinical Training Program™ (NACCTP) is one of the many programs of the Noeticus Center for Professional Development™ (NCPD) and specializes in providing Colorado Office of Behavioral Health (BHA)-approved addiction counselor classes to mental health professionals and graduate students who have or will have a clinical graduate degree by the time they apply for their Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) credential in Colorado. 

Those seeking only the Certified Addiction Technician (CAT) and/or Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS) credentials are also welcome, though the majority of our learners come into our CAC/LAC classes already having strong academic backgrounds in mental health counseling along with clinical experience through practicum, internship, and post-graduate work experience. We also welcome mental health professionals and students as well as those from other disciplines seeking continuing education (CE) and continuing professional development (CPD) hours. For those without some prior academic coursework in counseling or clinical experience, please check-in with us prior to registration to make sure this will be a useful learning experience for you.

NOTE: NACCTP classes can be taken independently, as required courses for CAT/CAS/LAC credentialing, and also as part of the Noeticus Professional Addiction Counselor - Certification Program™ (NPAC-CP). The NPAC-CP includes all of the LAC classes along with ongoing clinical supervision toward licensure. It does not include clinical placement or work experience. Participation in this program requires special application and individual approval.

CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing General Information

There are three levels of credentialing for addiction counselors in Colorado. The entry-level is the Certified Addiction Technician (CAT), the intermediate level is the Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS), and the advanced level is the Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC). Each level of credentialing is based on four factors: 1) education; 2) experience; 3) supervision; and 4) examination. Each applicant is encouraged to read and understand the most recent edition of the, Handbook for Addiction Counselors, provided by the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) before beginning the formal training process so that the correct level of credentialing is selected, the sequence of classes is clear, the amount of supervised work experience is understood, and the right examination is taken.

Our class packages are developed for students who wish to take all of their CAC/LAC classes through a BHA-approved instructor and are not planning to apply for "educational equivalency" for classes listed on an undergraduate or graduate transcript from a regionally accredited college or university. For those wishing to apply for educational equivalency, we HIGHLY ENCOURAGE doing so BEFORE starting classes with us. The only way to know if a class will be approved for educational equivalency is to have all official transcripts reviewed by the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE). We cannot review or approve anyone's transcript. Neither can DORA nor can BHA. Only the CCE can review and approve prior coursework. This only applies to thirteen (13) of the 20 classes. There are seven (7) classes that must be taught by a BHA-approved instructor and we have a class package specific to that trajectory. This is a nice option for those pursuing approval through the CCE who expect some or several classes might be approved but want to get started while they wait. With the CCE-approved classes and the seven (7) classes requiring a BHA-approved instructor completed, the remaining classes can be taken individually as needed.

For learners purchasing our other packages, please note that there are three options: 1) the Full CAT Package with 9 (nine) core classes; 2) the Full CAS Package with 11 (eleven) additional classes (which need to be taken along with the 9 CAT classes); and 3) the Full LAC Package with 7 (seven) required classes. The packages are designed in 6-month sequences that begin in January and July of each year. The CAT classes are offered on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and the CAS classes are offered on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. The LAC classes are spread throughout the CAT and CAS class schedule. NOTE: All NACCTP Class Packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and must be completed within 12 months of the date of purchase (unless other arrangements are made).

LAC Class Package Specific Information

The Certified Addiction Technician (CAT) Full Class Package provides 154.0 hours of course content and all nine (9) of the required classes for the CAT credential. The Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS) Full Class Package provides another 161.0 hours of course content and the additional eleven (11) required classes for the CAS credential. Purchasing the two packages separately is an ideal option for learners who are systematically working through each level of credentialing separately, those needing to earn a credential quickly as a requirement of employment, and/or those concerned about coursework expiring before sufficient supervised work experience has been accumulated. 

For those with a clinical graduate degree or who will have one by the time they apply for their credential, the Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) Full Class Package provides all 112.0 hours of course content and all seven (7) of the required classes for the LAC credential. It is designed to be completed in 6-months, but can be extended over 12-months. This is a perfect solution for learners who want to complete classes rapidly, those who wish to avoid the cumbersome process of transcript evaluation through CCE, those who could benefit from content review for the examination, and/or those who enjoy learning as part of an active and engaged cohort of committed professionals.

No matter which package is selected, save 20% on all registration categories (group, military/veteran, student, BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+) when purchasing this or any of our class or training packages. The Full LAC Class Package includes the following individual classes:

Two (2) CAT Classes

  1. Pharmacology I* (14.0 Contact Hours)
  2. Principles of Addiction Treatment* (21.0 Contact Hours)

Five (5) CAS Classes

  1. Advanced Pharmacology* (14.0 Contact Hours)
  2. Advanced Professional and Ethical Practice* (14.0 Contact Hours)
  3. Clinical Supervision I* (21.0 Contact Hours)
  4. Clinical Supervision II* (14.0 Contact Hours)
  5. Infectious Diseases in Addiction Treatment* (14.0 Contact Hours)

The seven (7) classes can be completed in as little as six months or can be extended up to 12 months. All Noeticus® Class and Training Packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and must be completed within 12-months of the date of purchase (unless other arrangements are made). NACCTP classes can be taken as an educational requirement for CAT/CAS/LAC credentialing through BHA/DORA or as continuing education (CE) or continuing professional development (CPD) only. Additionally, these and all addiction counselor classes seek to enhance the ability of the counselor to offer treatment services in a manner that respects gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural, familial, systemic, and socioeconomic diversity. IMPORTANT: The start date listed here only indicates when the package is designed to begin, not when the separate classes begin. Please check individual listings for specific class start dates.

Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® has been approved by NAADAC as an Approved Education Provider (AEP #151584) and NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP #6704). Programs that do not quality for NAADAC or NBCC credit are clearly identified. All NACCTP trainings are approved by BHA for CAC/LAC credentialing. Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

  • COHORT: Summer 2025 Class Cohort.
  • DATES: The seven (7) classes are designed to begin in January or July, but may begin with the first available LAC class in the specified cohort after registration and continue until they are complete unless a class is full or a prerequisite has not been met yet. If a specific sequence is needed, please let us know ASAP. Many classes have registration limits, be sure to register early to guarantee placement.
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 112.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing.
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read the Handbook for Addiction Counselors, available HERE.
  • CLASS CATEGORY: LAC Classes (All 7 LAC Classes; 2 CAT Classes and 5 CAS Classes).
  • BHA REQUIRED INSTRUCTOR: Classes requiring a BHA instructor are indicated with an asterisk (*) in the list above. Students may apply for Educational Equivalency with the CCE for all other classes.
  • PREREQUISITE(S): Participants are responsible for ensuring their individual class sequence meets any prerequisites associated with their level of credential.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNT: Buy all seven (7) classes separately at the General Professional rate and pay $1,493.00. Save 20% automatically with our Class Package and pay only $1,194.40 (Save $298.60; Provided at Check-Out). Payment plans are available through the registration process.
  • ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
Payment plan available: $200 deposit plus 16 payments of $58.49, paid weekly. Final payment of $58.56.

NACCTP: 6-SU25-BHA Instructor Required Class Package


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, MAC, RN, ACS

Calendar Jul 8, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: The Noeticus Addiction Counselor Clinical Training Program™ (NACCTP) is one of the many programs of the Noeticus Center for Professional Development™ (NCPD) and specializes in providing Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA)-approved addiction counselor classes to mental health professionals and graduate students who have or will have a clinical graduate degree by the time they apply for their Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC) credential in Colorado. 

Those seeking only the Certified Addiction Technician (CAT) and/or Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS) credentials are also welcome, though the majority of our learners come into our CAC/LAC classes already having strong academic backgrounds in mental health counseling along with clinical experience through practicum, internship, and post-graduate work experience. We also welcome mental health professionals and students as well as those from other disciplines seeking continuing education (CE) and continuing professional development (CPD) hours. For those without some prior academic coursework in counseling or clinical experience, please check-in with us prior to registration to make sure this will be a useful learning experience for you.

NOTE: NACCTP classes can be taken independently, as required courses for CAT/CAS/LAC credentialing, and also as part of the Noeticus Professional Addiction Counselor - Certification Program™ (NPAC-CP). The NPAC-CP includes all of the LAC classes along with ongoing clinical supervision toward licensure. It does not include clinical placement or work experience. Participation in this program requires special application and individual approval.

CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing General Information

There are three levels of credentialing for addiction counselors in Colorado. The entry-level is the Certified Addiction Technician (CAT), the intermediate level is the Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS), and the advanced level is the Licensed Addiction Counselor (LAC). Each level of credentialing is based on four factors: 1) education; 2) experience; 3) supervision; and 4) examination. Each applicant is encouraged to read and understand the most recent edition of the, Handbook for Addiction Counselors, provided by the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) before beginning the formal training process so that the correct level of credentialing is selected, the sequence of classes is clear, the amount of supervised work experience is understood, and the right examination is taken.

Our class packages are developed for students who wish to take all of their CAC/LAC classes through a BHA-approved instructor and are not planning to apply for "educational equivalency" for classes listed on an undergraduate or graduate transcript from a regionally accredited college or university. For those wishing to apply for educational equivalency, we HIGHLY ENCOURAGE doing so BEFORE starting classes with us. The only way to know if a class will be approved for educational equivalency is to have all official transcripts reviewed by the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE). We cannot review or approve anyone's transcript. Neither can DORA nor can BHA. Only the CCE can review and approve prior coursework. This only applies to thirteen (13) of the 20 classes. There are seven (7) classes that must be taught by a BHA-approved instructor and we have a class package specific to that trajectory. This is a nice option for those pursuing approval through the CCE who expect some or several classes might be approved but want to get started while they wait. With the CCE-approved classes and the seven (7) classes requiring a BHA-approved instructor completed, the remaining classes can be taken individually as needed.

For learners purchasing our other packages, please note that there are three options: 1) the Full CAT Package with 9 (nine) core classes; 2) the Full CAS Package with 11 (eleven) additional classes (which need to be taken along with the 9 CAT classes); and 3) the Full LAC Package with 7 (seven) required classes. NOTE: All NACCTP Class Packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and must be completed within 12 months of the date of purchase (unless other arrangements are made).

BHA Instructor Required Package Specific Information

Two (2) of the nine (9) Certified Addiction Technician (CAT) classes and five (5) of the eleven (11) Certified Addiction Specialist (CAS) classes must be taught by a BHA-approved instructor (or through an academic program approved by BHA) and cannot receive educational equivalency through the CCE. Our BHA Instructor Required Class Package provides only these classes. Purchasing this package is an ideal option for learners who are applying for educational equivalency through the CCE and who expect some or several classes to be approved. The seven (7) classes requiring a BHA-approved instructor completed, in combination with the CCE-approved classes receiving educational equivalency, will indicate which of the remaining CAC/LAC classes will need to be taken individually.

No matter which package is selected, save 20% on all registration categories (group, military/veteran, student, BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+) when purchasing this or any of our class or training packages. The Full LAC Class Package includes the following individual classes:

All Seven (7) BHA-Instructor Required Classes

  1. Advanced Pharmacology* (CAS; 14.0 Contact Hours)
  2. Advanced Professional and Ethical Practice* (CAS; 14.0 Contact Hours)
  3. Clinical Supervision I* (CAS; 21.0 Contact Hours)
  4. Clinical Supervision II* (CAS; 14.0 Contact Hours)
  5. Infectious Diseases in Addiction Treatment* (CAS; 14.0 Contact Hours)
  6. Pharmacology I* (CAT; 14.0 Contact Hours)
  7. Principles of Addiction Treatment* (CAT; 21.0 Contact Hours)

The seven (7) classes can be completed in as little as six months or can be extended up to 12 months. All Noeticus® Class and Training Packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and must be completed within 12-months of the date of purchase (unless other arrangements are made). NACCTP classes can be taken as an educational requirement for CAT/CAS/LAC credentialing through BHA/DORA or as continuing education (CE) or continuing professional development (CPD) only. Additionally, these and all addiction counselor classes seek to enhance the ability of the counselor to offer treatment services in a manner that respects gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural, familial, systemic, and socioeconomic diversity.

For those pursuing this option, please note that some of these classes have a prerequisite not included in the package. Because of this, it's critical to confirm that any prerequisites have been met before taking the class with us - either through a CCE transcript review and approval or through a BHA approved instructorIMPORTANT: The start date listed here only indicates when the package is designed to begin, not when the separate classes begin. Please check individual listings for specific class start dates.

Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® has been approved by NAADAC as an Approved Education Provider (AEP #151584) and NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP #6704). Programs that do not quality for NAADAC or NBCC credit are clearly identified. All NACCTP trainings are approved by BHA for CAC/LAC credentialing. Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

  • COHORT: Summer 2025 Class Cohort.
  • DATES: The seven (7) classes are designed to begin in January or July, but may begin with the first available CAT/CAS class in the specified cohort after registration and continue until they are complete unless a class is full or a prerequisite has not been met yet. If a specific sequence is needed, please let us know ASAP. Many classes have registration limits, be sure to register early to guarantee placement.
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 112.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing.
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read the Handbook for Addiction Counselors, available HERE.
  • CLASS CATEGORY: CAT/CAS/LAC Classes (All 7 BHA Instructor Required Classes).
  • BHA REQUIRED INSTRUCTOR: Classes requiring a BHA instructor are indicated with an asterisk (*) in the list above. Students may apply for Educational Equivalency with the CCE for all other classes.
  • PREREQUISITE(S): Participants are responsible for ensuring their individual class sequence meets any prerequisites associated with their level of credential.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNT: Buy all seven (7) classes separately at the General Professional rate and pay $1,493.00. Save 20% automatically with our Class Package and pay only $1,194.40 (Save $298.60; Provided at Check-Out). Payment plans are available through the registration process.
  • ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
Payment plan available: $200 deposit plus 16 payments of $58.49, paid weekly. Final payment of $58.56.

NACCTP: Infectious Diseases in Addiction Treatment


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, MAC, RN, ACS

Calendar Jul 8, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: This class emphasizes the higher risk of infectious diseases among people who have substance use problems. Anyone who is misusing substances is at higher risk for contracting and spreading infectious diseases. Understanding of diseases that might affect clients who are addicted to alcohol and other substances is a cornerstone of addiction counseling. The class helps prepare addiction professionals to screen and identify such diseases, determine client risk for infection, educate clients about disease prevention and treatment options, and assist clients in obtaining appropriate treatment as needed. Additionally, this and all addiction counselor classes seek to enhance the ability of the counselor to offer treatment services in a manner that respects gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural, familial, systemic, and socioeconomic diversity. NOTE: This class can be taken independently, as a required course for CAT/CAS/LAC credentialing, and also as part of the Noeticus Professional Addiction Counselor: Level 2 - Practice Endorsement™ (NPAC-PE-2) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Professional Addiction Counselor - Certification Program™ (NPAC-CP); Save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NPAC-PE-2 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.

  • DATE: July 8 and 9, 2025 (Tuesday & Wednesday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 14.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing; Applicable to the Noeticus Professional Addiction Counselor - Practice Endorsement™ (NICS-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Professional Addiction Counselor - Certification Program™ (NICS-CP).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read the Handbook for Addiction Counselors (CAC/LAC), available HERE.
  • PREREQUISITE(S): CAT/CAS = None; LAC = None.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
  • PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NPAC-PE-2 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 4 payments of $31.00, paid every four weeks.

Will run

NCPD: 2-SF25-4h2-Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 2-Practice Endorsement™ (NART-PE-2; 50.0 Contact Hours)


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Jul 8, 2025 at 9 am

Save 20% on all standard registration categories (general, group, military/veteran, student) when purchasing this or any of our class or training packages. See details below!

DESCRIPTION: The Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 2 - Practice Endorsement™ (NART-PE-2; 50.0 Contact Hours) is designed for mental health professionals interested in gaining essential knowledge and skills for working with clients living with substance use disorders and addictions. All of the classes are approved by the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) for credentialing as a Certified or Licensed Addiction Counselor (CAC/LAC) in Colorado, but that is not required to participate. The first level of this series focuses on learning the fundamental concepts of addiction treatment, key aspects of pharmacology, and the importance of holding a culturally informed perspective. The second level explores the connection between substance use and infectious disease, the phenomenon of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and the role of motivational interviewing in working with ambivalence about change. For those interested in pursuing their full Certification or License as an addiction counselor, the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy – Certification Program™ (NART-CP) is an excellent option.

The Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 2 - Practice Endorsement™ (NART-PE-2; 50.0 Contact Hours) includes the following individual classes:

NOTE: Training Packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and must be completed within 12 months of purchase (unless other arrangements are made). Courses must be completed in the sequence indicated. Packages must be purchased at time of original sale and cannot be purchased retroactively. Placement is contingent on availability and is not automatic. Enrollment in a Practice Endorsement does not guarantee placement in a Certification Program. Courses can be taken independently and also as part of our various Practice Endorsements and/or Certification Programs if available. IMPORTANT: The start date listed only indicates when the package is designed to begin, not when the separate classes begin. Please check individual listings for specific class start dates.

  • COHORT: 2025 Semi-Annual/SF 2025 Training Cohort (Twice per Year).
  • DATES: The scheduled dates for this training cohort are below. These are the default dates for this package. Trainings must be taken in this sequence. If alternate dates are needed, please let us know ASAP.:
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 50.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: BHA, DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing; Applicable to the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 1 - Professional Endorsement™ (NART-PE-1) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy - Certification Program™ (NICS-CP). 
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read the Handbook for Addiction Counselors, available HERE.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process. See bottom of page for more details.
  • DISCOUNTS: Purchase all four courses separately at the General Professional rate and pay $900.00. Save 20% automatically with our Class Package and pay only $720.00 (Save $180.00; Provided at Check-Out).
  • ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).

Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® has been approved by NAADAC as an Approved Education Provider (AEP #151584) and NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP #6704). Programs that do not qualify for NAADAC or NBCC credit are clearly identified. All NACCTP trainings are approved by BHA for CAC/LAC credentialing. Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Practice Endorsement and Certification Program - General Information

The Noeticus Center for Professional Development™ (NCPD) at Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® offers a variety of Practice Endorsements (PEs) and Certification Programs (CPs) to mental health professionals and those in related disciplines seeking to deepen their focus in one particular area of practice beyond a singular course. Practice Endorsements are usually either 45.0 or 90.0 contact hours in length and typically are comprised of three, 15-hour classes, though in some cases other combinations are used to total that amount of time. 

Practice Endorsements offer course participants the experience of engaging in a mini-sequenced course of study with a learning cohort of like-minded professionals committed to taking the next step in their professional development. The curriculum for each of the endorsements has been carefully and coherently assembled based on thematic similarities in their content and/or application areas. Additionally, the material is shared in a way that reflects contemporary practices in adult learning theory - including both didactic and experiential learning along with ample opportunities for immediate application and building strong and lasting connections with other training participants that extend well beyond the courses themselves. IMPORTANT: Registration for a Professional Endorsement offers open enrollment to any participant, whether through individual courses or full packages.

By contrast, Certification Programs (CPs) require additional components beyond the associated courses, typically including such things as outside practice sessions, clinical consultation/supervision, skills demonstration, and/or a final certification project. In some instances, Practice Endorsements can be applied to partially fulfill the educational requirements for a Certification Program. Certification Programs are more intensive and integrative than Practice Endorsements and thus require more focus and commitment to complete, usually ranging from 100.0 to 150.0 contact hours each. IMPORTANT: Registration for a Certification Program is through application and approval only, thus open enrollment is not possible. Completion of partial credit through a Practice Endorsement does not guarantee placement in a Certification Program, therefore we encourage those interested in going through a Certification Program to apply early. For more information, please visit the prospective Certification Program website or contact us at

Practice Endorsement and Certification Program - Registration Policies

When course participants register for one of our packages, we try to place them in the first class or training that is part of that series. This helps ensure that all prerequisites are met and also maximizes the possibility of meeting and developing connections with other members of the learning cohort. In some cases, this is not possible due to scheduling conflicts, emergencies, under-enrollment, and other unexpected events. In such cases, we work individually with course participants to transfer them to the next available course or develop an alternative learning plan if necessary. Thus it is important to recognize that registration for an individual course or a particular course package does not guarantee specific placement.

Practice Endorsements and Certification Programs are built into our annual calendar of classes and trainings. Some of them are offered four times a year on a quarterly basis, others are offered twice a year on a semi-annual basis, while others are only offered once a year on an annual basis. Classes and trainings that are part of a Practice Endorsement or Certification Program can be purchased separately or as part of a class or training package. If a package registration is selected, a 20% discount will be automatically deducted from any of the standard registration categories (general, group, military/veteran, student) at the time of purchase. Class and training packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and be completed within 12 months of the date of purchase (unless other arrangements are made). Packages cannot be retroactively purchased once sales of individual classes or trainings have been completed, so be sure to select accordingly.

Practice Endorsement and Certification Program - Final Conferral

For both Practice Endorsements and Certification Programs, each course participant must submit an application to receive the final endorsement or certification once all requirements have been fulfilled as this is not automatic. The application can be downloaded HERE 

Payment plan available: $200 deposit plus 8 payments of $65.00, paid every two weeks.

NACCTP: Culturally-Informed Treatment


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, MAC, RN, ACS

Calendar Jul 10, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: This class provides a basic foundation for understanding how cultural sensitivity, awareness, responsivity, and humility can improve quality of care and increase positive outcomes for clients receiving treatment for substance use disorders and other problem behaviors. The professional counselor has an obligation to understand the client’s context and learn to communicate in a manner that the client is likely to be able to hear, understand, and accept. The counselor must have the courage and insight to explore their own biases and misconceptions of others with cultural and ethnic differences. Cultural variables to be considered include age, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, language, educational level, physical ability, economic status, and social class as well as racial and ethnic backgrounds - all of which can be influential in the therapeutic process. Individual differences when considered in a cultural context can become strengths and resources for recovery. Additionally, this and all addiction counselor classes seek to enhance the ability of the counselor to offer treatment services in a manner that respects gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural, familial, systemic, and socioeconomic diversity. NOTE: This class can be taken independently, as a required course for CAT/CAS/LAC credentialing, and also as part of the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 1 - Practice Endorsement™ (NART-PE-1) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy - Certification Program™ (NART-CP); Save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NART-PE Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.

  • DATE: July 10 and 11, 2025 (Thursday & Friday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 14.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing.
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read the Handbook for Addiction Counselors, available HERE.
  • BHA REQUIRED INSTRUCTOR: No (May Apply for Educational Equivalency).
  • PREREQUISITE(S): CAT/CAS = None; LAC = N/A (Not Required).
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
  • PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NART-PE-1 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 4 payments of $31.00, paid every four weeks.

NCPD: 2-SF25-4h1-Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 1-Practice Endorsement™ (NART-PE-1; 50.0 Contact Hours)


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Jul 10, 2025 at 9 am

Save 20% on all standard registration categories (general, group, military/veteran, student) when purchasing this or any of our class or training packages. See details below!

DESCRIPTION: The Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 1 - Practice Endorsement™ (NART-PE-1; 50.0 Contact Hours) is designed for mental health professionals interested in gaining essential knowledge and skills for working with clients living with substance use disorders and addictions. All of the classes are approved by the Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) for credentialing as a Certified or Licensed Addiction Counselor (CAC/LAC) in Colorado, but that is not required to participate. The first level of this series focuses on learning the fundamental concepts of addiction treatment, key aspects of pharmacology, and the importance of holding a culturally informed perspective. The second level explores the connection between substance use and infectious disease, the phenomenon of co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and the role of motivational interviewing in working with ambivalence about change. For those interested in pursuing their full Certification or License as an addiction counselor, the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy – Certification Program™ (NART-CP) is an excellent option.

The Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 1 - Practice Endorsement™ (NART-PE-1; 50.0 Contact Hours) includes the following individual classes:

NOTE: Training Packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and must be completed within 12 months of purchase (unless other arrangements are made). Courses must be completed in the sequence indicated. Packages must be purchased at time of original sale and cannot be purchased retroactively. Placement is contingent on availability and is not automatic. Enrollment in a Practice Endorsement does not guarantee placement in a Certification Program. Courses can be taken independently and also as part of our various Practice Endorsements and/or Certification Programs if available. IMPORTANT: The start date listed only indicates when the package is designed to begin, not when the separate classes begin. Please check individual listings for specific class start dates.

  • COHORT: 2025 Semi-Annual/SF 2025 Training Cohort (Twice per Year).
  • DATES: The scheduled dates for this training cohort are below. These are the default dates for this package. Trainings must be taken in this sequence. If alternate dates are needed, please let us know ASAP.:
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 50.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: BHA, DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing; Applicable to the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 1 - Professional Endorsement™ (NART-PE-1) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy - Certification Program™ (NICS-CP). 
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read the Handbook for Addiction Counselors, available HERE.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process. See bottom of page for more details.
  • DISCOUNTS: Purchase all four courses separately at the General Professional rate and pay $900.00. Save 20% automatically with our Class Package and pay only $720.00 (Save $180.00; Provided at Check-Out).
  • ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).

Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® has been approved by NAADAC as an Approved Education Provider (AEP #151584) and NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP #6704). Programs that do not qualify for NAADAC or NBCC credit are clearly identified. All NACCTP trainings are approved by BHA for CAC/LAC credentialing. Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Practice Endorsement and Certification Program - General Information

The Noeticus Center for Professional Development™ (NCPD) at Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® offers a variety of Practice Endorsements (PEs) and Certification Programs (CPs) to mental health professionals and those in related disciplines seeking to deepen their focus in one particular area of practice beyond a singular course. Practice Endorsements are usually either 45.0 or 90.0 contact hours in length and typically are comprised of three, 15-hour classes, though in some cases other combinations are used to total that amount of time. 

Practice Endorsements offer course participants the experience of engaging in a mini-sequenced course of study with a learning cohort of like-minded professionals committed to taking the next step in their professional development. The curriculum for each of the endorsements has been carefully and coherently assembled based on thematic similarities in their content and/or application areas. Additionally, the material is shared in a way that reflects contemporary practices in adult learning theory - including both didactic and experiential learning along with ample opportunities for immediate application and building strong and lasting connections with other training participants that extend well beyond the courses themselves. IMPORTANT: Registration for a Professional Endorsement offers open enrollment to any participant, whether through individual courses or full packages.

By contrast, Certification Programs (CPs) require additional components beyond the associated courses, typically including such things as outside practice sessions, clinical consultation/supervision, skills demonstration, and/or a final certification project. In some instances, Practice Endorsements can be applied to partially fulfill the educational requirements for a Certification Program. Certification Programs are more intensive and integrative than Practice Endorsements and thus require more focus and commitment to complete, usually ranging from 100.0 to 150.0 contact hours each. IMPORTANT: Registration for a Certification Program is through application and approval only, thus open enrollment is not possible. Completion of partial credit through a Practice Endorsement does not guarantee placement in a Certification Program, therefore we encourage those interested in going through a Certification Program to apply early. For more information, please visit the prospective Certification Program website or contact us at

Practice Endorsement and Certification Program - Registration Policies

When course participants register for one of our packages, we try to place them in the first class or training that is part of that series. This helps ensure that all prerequisites are met and also maximizes the possibility of meeting and developing connections with other members of the learning cohort. In some cases, this is not possible due to scheduling conflicts, emergencies, under-enrollment, and other unexpected events. In such cases, we work individually with course participants to transfer them to the next available course or develop an alternative learning plan if necessary. Thus it is important to recognize that registration for an individual course or a particular course package does not guarantee specific placement.

Practice Endorsements and Certification Programs are built into our annual calendar of classes and trainings. Some of them are offered four times a year on a quarterly basis, others are offered twice a year on a semi-annual basis, while others are only offered once a year on an annual basis. Classes and trainings that are part of a Practice Endorsement or Certification Program can be purchased separately or as part of a class or training package. If a package registration is selected, a 20% discount will be automatically deducted from any of the standard registration categories (general, group, military/veteran, student) at the time of purchase. Class and training packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and be completed within 12 months of the date of purchase (unless other arrangements are made). Packages cannot be retroactively purchased once sales of individual classes or trainings have been completed, so be sure to select accordingly.

Practice Endorsement and Certification Program - Final Conferral

For both Practice Endorsements and Certification Programs, each course participant must submit an application to receive the final endorsement or certification once all requirements have been fulfilled as this is not automatic. The application can be downloaded HERE 

Payment plan available: $200 deposit plus 8 payments of $65.00, paid every two weeks.

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