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Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute®

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5e - Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-CP; 150.0 Contact Hours; Special Application and Approval Required)

NCPD: Clinical Supervision II (ACS™)


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Apr 8, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: In Colorado (and many other states), the only legal requirement to provide clinical supervision is having an active mental health license. Because of that, many mental health practitioners become clinical supervisors immediately upon receiving their licenses without having any additional training in the specialized counseling practice of clinical supervision. Functionally, this often translates into new supervisors using counseling skills to work with new supervisees instead of supervision skills, a scenario that isn't always very effective or even helpful. As an antidote to this serious problem within all of the mental health professions, the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE); An affiliate of the National Board for Certified Counselors [NBCC]) developed the voluntary Approved Clinical Supervisor™ (ACS™) credential. This training is the first part of a three-part series covering the theory and practice of clinical supervision, all of which (when taken together) meet the training requirements for the ACS™ through the CCE. During our Clinical Supervision I training, participants learn the theoretical foundations. During our Clinical Supervision II training, participants build upon their theoretical foundations and add to them practical skills. Finally, during our Clinical Supervision III training, participants integrate the principles and theory they learned in Clinical Supervision I with the advanced concepts and skills taught in Clinical Supervision II and apply them in an experiential format. NOTE: This training can be taken independently, as an educational requirement for ACS™ Certification through the CCE, and also as part of the Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Professional Endorsement™ (NICS-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Certification Program™ (NICS-CP); Save 20% by purchasing the complete NICS-PE Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.

  • DATE: April 8 and 9, 2025 (Tuesday & Wednesday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 15.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to ACS™ Certification through the CCE; Applicable to the Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Professional Endorsement™ (NICS-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Certification Program™ (NICS-CP).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read this book by counselor educators and supervisors Gerald Corey, PhD, Robert Haynes, PhD, Patrice Moulton, PhD, and Michelle Muratori, PhD available HERE.
  • PREREQUISITE(S): Clinical Supervision I = None; Clinical Supervision II = Clinical Supervision I; Clinical Supervision III = Clinical Supervision I & II (ACS or through our CAC/LAC Track).
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
  • PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NICS-PE-1 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 4 payments of $56.25, paid every two weeks.

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NCPD: 1-AN25-4j1-Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development: Level 1-Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-PE-1; 45.0 Contact Hours)


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Apr 21, 2025 at 9 am

Save 20% on all standard registration categories (general, group, military/veteran, student) when purchasing this or any of our class or training packages. See details below!

DESCRIPTION: The Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development: Level 1 - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-PE-1; 45.0 Contact Hours) is the first half of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-CP) and is designed for supervisors, managers, executives, and leaders from a variety of backgrounds and professions who are interested in coming together as an intensive learning community for a full week in order to didactically learn and experientially deepen into four transformative leadership models and their associated resources for organizational development. These are: 1) Spiral Dynamics® I; 2) Core Strengths® - Powered by Strengths Deployment Inventory 2.0; 3) 3 Vital Questions (3VQ®); and 4) Emotional Intelligence and Leadership (EQL). The Level I Training Package provides 45-hours of course content over 6-days and includes both a theoretical understanding as well as practical applications for all four leadership models. Being an effective leader definitely takes skill, vision, and a lot of determination, but it also benefits from having some useful models and practical tools that can be immediately applied and integrated. The four training intensives that are part of the Level I Training Package are designed to be completed over 6-days with a learning cohort, but can be extended up to 12 months in special circumstances.

The Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development: Level 1 - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-PE-1; 45.0 Contact Hours) includes the following individual trainings:

NOTE: Training Packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and must be completed within 12 months of purchase (unless other arrangements are made). Courses must be completed in the sequence indicated. Packages must be purchased at time of original sale and cannot be purchased retroactively. Placement is contingent on availability and is not automatic. Enrollment in a Practice Endorsement does not guarantee placement in a Certification Program. Courses can be taken independently and also as part of our various Practice Endorsements and/or Certification Programs if available. IMPORTANT: The start date listed only indicates when the package is designed to begin, not when the separate classes begin. Please check individual listings for specific class start dates.

  • COHORT: 2025 Annual/Spring 2024 Training Cohort (Once per Year).
  • DATES: The scheduled dates for this training cohort are below. These are the default dates for this package. Trainings must be taken and completed in this sequence. If alternate dates are needed, please let us know ASAP:
    • Spiral Dynamics® I - SD® I = April 21 & 22, 2025 (M/T)
    • Three Vital Questions® - 3VQ® = April 23 & 24, 2025 (W/Th)
    • Core Strengths® - Powered by SDI 2.0® = April 25, 2025 (F)
    • Emotional Intelligence and Leadership - EQL = April 26, 2025 (Sa)
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 45.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development: Level 1-Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-PE-1).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT(S): Participants may find it helpful to read the books and/or other resources listed on the registration page for each class or training ahead of time and to bring these materials with them to the designated class or training.
  • PREREQUISITE(S): 1) Spiral Dynamics® I = None; 2) Core Strengths® = None; 3) Three Vital Questions® = None; and 4) Emotional Intelligence and Leadership = None.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process. See bottom of page for more details.
  • DISCOUNTS: Purchase all four trainings separately at the General Professional rate and pay $1099.00. Save 20% automatically with our Training Package and pay only $879.20 (Save $219.80; Provided at Check-Out).
  • ADDITIONAL DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).

Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® has been approved by NAADAC as an Approved Education Provider (AEP #151584) and NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP #6704). Programs that do not qualify for NAADAC or NBCC credit are clearly identified. All NACCTP trainings are approved by BHA for CAC/LAC credentialing. Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Practice Endorsement and Certification Program - General Information

The Noeticus Center for Professional Development™ (NCPD) at Noeticus Counseling Center and Training Institute® offers a variety of Practice Endorsements (PEs) and Certification Programs (CPs) to mental health professionals and those in related disciplines seeking to deepen their focus in one particular area of practice beyond a singular course. Practice Endorsements are usually either 45.0 or 90.0 contact hours in length and typically are comprised of three, 15-hour classes, though in some cases other combinations are used to total that amount of time. 

Practice Endorsements offer course participants the experience of engaging in a mini-sequenced course of study with a learning cohort of like-minded professionals committed to taking the next step in their professional development. The curriculum for each of the endorsements has been carefully and coherently assembled based on thematic similarities in their content and/or application areas. Additionally, the material is shared in a way that reflects contemporary practices in adult learning theory - including both didactic and experiential learning along with ample opportunities for immediate application and building strong and lasting connections with other training participants that extend well beyond the courses themselves. IMPORTANT: Registration for a Professional Endorsement offers open enrollment to any participant, whether through individual courses or full packages.

By contrast, Certification Programs (CPs) require additional components beyond the associated courses, typically including such things as outside practice sessions, clinical consultation/supervision, skills demonstration, and/or a final certification project. In some instances, Practice Endorsements can be applied to partially fulfill the educational requirements for a Certification Program. Certification Programs are more intensive and integrative than Practice Endorsements and thus require more focus and commitment to complete, usually ranging from 100.0 to 150.0 contact hours each. IMPORTANT: Registration for a Certification Program is through application and approval only, thus open enrollment is not possible. Completion of partial credit through a Practice Endorsement does not guarantee placement in a Certification Program, therefore we encourage those interested in going through a Certification Program to apply early. For more information, please visit the prospective Certification Program website or contact us at

Practice Endorsement and Certification Program - Registration Policies

When course participants register for one of our packages, we try to place them in the first class or training that is part of that series. This helps ensure that all prerequisites are met and also maximizes the possibility of meeting and developing connections with other members of the learning cohort. In some cases, this is not possible due to scheduling conflicts, emergencies, under-enrollment, and other unexpected events. In such cases, we work individually with course participants to transfer them to the next available course or develop an alternative learning plan if necessary. Thus it is important to recognize that registration for an individual course or a particular course package does not guarantee specific placement.

Practice Endorsements and Certification Programs are built into our annual calendar of classes and trainings. Some of them are offered four times a year on a quarterly basis, others are offered twice a year on a semi-annual basis, while others are only offered once a year on an annual basis. Classes and trainings that are part of a Practice Endorsement or Certification Program can be purchased separately or as part of a class or training package. If a package registration is selected, a 20% discount will be automatically deducted from any of the standard registration categories (general, group, military/veteran, student) at the time of purchase. Class and training packages are non-refundable, non-transferable to another person, and be completed within 12 months of the date of purchase (unless other arrangements are made). Packages cannot be retroactively purchased once sales of individual classes or trainings have been completed, so be sure to select accordingly.

Practice Endorsement and Certification Program - Final Conferral

For both Practice Endorsements and Certification Programs, each course participant must submit an application to receive the final endorsement or certification once all requirements have been fulfilled as this is not automatic. The application can be downloaded HERE

Payment plan available: $200 deposit plus 10 payments of $67.92, paid weekly.

NCPD: Spiral Dynamics® I


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Apr 21, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: Spiral Dynamics® (SD) refers to the colorful way in which change consultants Chris Cowan and Don Beck came to call Emergent Cyclical Levels of Existence Theory (ECLET), a theory that was originally generated by developmental psychologist Clare W. Graves, PhD and later adapted by contemporary philosopher Ken Wilber as part of his Integral Approach. In essence, it is a progressive model of human development that explores how life circumstances shape thought processes and what the value systems are that give those experiences meaning. In the first part of this engaging two-part experiential class series, participants are introduced to the basic elements of the model, which provides context for understanding how "value-holding systems" are associated with motivation, beliefs, and behaviors. The second part of the series focuses on applying these concepts specifically to individual and organizational change. Participants interested in purchasing and completing their own SD assessments prior to the Spiral Dynamics® II class will have the opportunity to do so at an additional charge and are encouraged to use them during the class to help better understand themselves as individuals and/or as part of a team or organization. Participants who choose not to purchase individual assessments can still participate, however, they will receive generic assessments. NOTE: This training can be taken independently and is also part of Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-1-PE); Save 20% by purchasing all three Level I trainings at once; Learn more HERE.

  • DATE: April 21 and 22, 2024 (Monday & Tuesday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 15.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NBCC; HRCI, SHRM; Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-1-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-1-CP).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read this book by ECLET developer, Clare W. Graves, PhD, available HERE.
  • PREREQUISITE(S): Spiral Dynamics® I = None; Spiral Dynamics® II = Spiral Dynamics® I.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
  • PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NOLD-PE-1 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 2 payments of $112.50, paid every four weeks.

NCPD: 3 Vital Questions®


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Apr 23, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: Drama at home and in the workplace is a source of great suffering for many people and can often have enormous costs physically, emotionally, interpersonally, as well as financially. It can destroy families and significantly impair the effectiveness of work teams and businesses. To help understand how this dynamics begins and unfolds, psychiatrist Stephen Karpman, MD, famously introduced the Karpman Drama Triangle in 1968, where he articulated the roles of Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor. Building on that model, business consultants and personal coaches David Emerald and Donna Zajonc developed The Empowerment Dynamic or TED as a means for getting out of the Dreaded Drama Triangle (DDT). By asking 3 Vital Questions (3VQ) and deeply exploring the answers to those questions, practitioners can use the “Power of TED*” as a tool for transforming the Victim into a Creator, the Rescuer into a Coach, and the Persecutor into a Challenger. This training - designed to help supervisors, managers, and leaders bring the Power of TED* into their teams and organizations - teaches practitioners how to guide their employees in first focusing their attention on what matters, next tracking their inner emotional states and the needs associated with them, and finally how to take actions that are congruent with those goals and needs. All training participants will receive their own 3 Vital Questions® Participant Guidebook, as well as all class materials, as part of their registration in this highly experiential workshop, all of which are valued at over $299.00. NOTE: This training can be taken independently and is also part of Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-1-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-1-CP); Save 20% by purchasing all three Level I trainings at once; Learn more HERE.

  • DATE: April 23 and 24, 2025 (Wednesday & Thursday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 15.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NBCC; HRCI, SHRM; Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-1-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-1-CP).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read this book by The Power of TED* developer and trainer David Emerald available HERE.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
  • PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NOLD-PE-1 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 2 payments of $112.50, paid every four weeks.

NCPD: Core Strengths® Leadership Workshop


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Apr 25, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: Collaborative relationships are the key to effective teams. That’s because the ability to interact effectively with people isn’t just "nice-to-have" – it's non-negotiable. It is not the lack of knowledge, skills or motivation, but the mismanagement of relationships that creates the greatest cost to work teams. That’s where the Core Strengths® system (powered by the Strength Deployment Inventory® 2.0) comes in. Get the tools you need in order to better encourage your colleagues and team members to take initiative, innovate, and make smart decisions. Give yourself and your team the Core Strengths® advantage. Core Strengths® integrates the communication of three business priorities based on personality preferences: 1) People – a concern for helping and developing others; 2) Performance – a concern for directing action and achieving results; and 3) Process – a concern for establishing clear and meaningful order. Core Strengths® opens a window on personality by making the Motivational Value System (MVS) visible. Core Strengths® also shows how conflict affects the way we see situations and how we choose the strengths we use. By looking at who we are under two conditions – when things are going well and when in conflict – we get a fuller, dynamic, and useful picture than if we adopt the faulty assumption that we have only one way of being ourselves. All training participants will receive their own customized Core Strengths® assessment reports, as well as all class materials, as part of their registration in this highly experiential workshop, all of which are valued at over $120.00. NOTE: This training can be taken independently and is also part of Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-1-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-1-CP); Save 20% by purchasing all three Level I trainings at once; Learn more HERE.

  • DATE: April 25, 2025 (Friday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 7.5 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NBCC; HRCI, SHRM; Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-PE-1) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-CP-1).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read this book by Total SDI® developers and trainers Tim Scudder, Michael Patterson, and Kent Mitchell, available HERE.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
  • PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NOLD-PE-1 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 2 payments of $112.50, paid every four weeks.

NCPD: Emotional Intelligence and Leadership


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Apr 26, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: It used to be that people thought general intelligence quotient or IQ was the key to success, and although it certainly is part of that formula, Emotional Intelligence Quotient or EQ plays a very significant role too. This is because whether we are at work or at home, working as part of team or interacting with friends or family, we are in relationships that function best when Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is high. And knowing about EQ isn't enough because it's also crucial to be good at EQ. Though the term EQ was initially developed by research psychologists John Mayer and Peter Solvey in early part of the 1990s to help broaden the clinical understanding of intelligence beyond the limited dimensions of verbal and performance indicators that had become widely accepted, it was author and psychologist Daniel Goleman, PhD, who popularized it in 1994, with his book, Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ. This is when managers and leaders started seeing clearly just how high the cost was when EQ wasn't acknowledged, valued, and fostered in the workplace. This one-day training takes a closer look at the four core skills of EQ and how they can be developed and utilized in the workforce to enhance collaboration, reduce dissatisfaction, and achieve greater overall results. The four core EQ skills are: 1) self-awareness skills; 2) self-management skills; 3) social awareness skills; and 4) relationships management skills. This training further unpacks what they are, why they are important, and how to cultivate them in our own lives as managers and leaders so they can be implemented more effectively at work and hopefully beyond. NOTE: This training can be taken independently and is also part of Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-1-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-CP); Save 20% by purchasing all three Level I trainings at once; Learn more HERE.

  • DATE: April 26, 2025 (Saturday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 7.5 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NBCC; HRCI, SHRM; Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-1-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-CP).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read this book by senior trainers of Emotional Intelligence and TalentSmart® cofounders Travis Bradberry, PhD, and Jean Greaves, PhD, available HERE.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
  • PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NOLD-PE-1 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 2 payments of $62.00, paid every four weeks.

NACCTP: Clinical Supervision I


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, MAC, RN, ACS

Calendar May 7, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: This training is designed to help a counselor learn the models of supervision and tools necessary to use as a standard of supervision practice. In this course, the counselor will be exposed to supervision that is tailored to the supervisee’s developmental level of experience. Ethical supervisory practices, including supervision contracts and work verification practices, will be discussed. Videotaping and feedback will assist the participant in developing a standard level of supervisory skills proficiency. Additionally, this and all addiction counselor classes seek to enhance the ability of the counselor to offer treatment services in a manner that respects gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural, familial, systemic, and socioeconomic diversity. NOTE: This class can be taken independently as a required course for CAT/CAS/LAC credentialing, as an educational requirement for ACS™ Certification through the CCE, as part of the Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Certification Program™ (NICS-CP), and also as part of the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy - Certification Program™ (NART-CP); Save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NART-CP Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.

  • DATE: May 7, 8, and 9, 2025 (Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 21.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing; Applicable to ACS™ Certification through the CCE; Applicable to the Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Certification Program™ (NICS-CP); Applicable to the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy - Certification Program™ (NART-CP).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read the Handbook for Addiction Counselors (CAC/LAC), available HERE.
  • PREREQUISITE(S): CAT/CAS = Addiction Counseling Skills, Group Counseling Skills, Motivational Interviewing, and Advanced Motivational Interviewing; LAC = None.
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 3 payments of $58.00, paid every four weeks.

NCPD: Clinical Supervision III (ACS™)


with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

Calendar Jun 10, 2025 at 9 am

DESCRIPTION: In Colorado (and many other states), the only legal requirement to provide clinical supervision is having an active mental health license. Because of that, many mental health practitioners become clinical supervisors immediately upon receiving their licenses without having any additional training in the specialized counseling practice of clinical supervision. Functionally, this often translates into new supervisors using counseling skills to work with new supervisees instead of supervision skills, a scenario that isn't always very effective or even helpful. As an antidote to this serious problem within all of the mental health professions, the Center for Credentialing and Education (CCE); An affiliate of the National Board for Certified Counselors [NBCC]) developed the voluntary Approved Clinical Supervisor™ (ACS™) credential. This training is the final part of a three-part series covering the theory and practice of clinical supervision, all of which (when taken together) meet the training requirements for the ACS™ through the CCE. During our Clinical Supervision I training, participants learn the theoretical foundations. During our Clinical Supervision II training, participants build upon their theoretical foundations and add to them practical skills. Finally, during our Clinical Supervision III training, participants integrate the principles and theory they learned in Clinical Supervision I with the advanced concepts and skills taught in Clinical Supervision II and apply them in an experiential format. NOTE: This training can be taken independently, as an educational requirement for ACS™ Certification through the CCE, and also as part of the Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Professional Endorsement™ (NICS-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Certification Program™ (NICS-CP); Save 20% by purchasing the complete NICS-PE Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.

  • DATE: June 10 and 11, 2025 (Tuesday & Wednesday).
  • TIME: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
  • CE CONTACT HOURS: 15.0 Contact Hours.
  • CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to ACS™ Certification through the CCE; Applicable to the Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Professional Endorsement™ (NICS-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Intentional Clinical Supervision - Certification Program™ (NICS-CP).
  • RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read this book by counselor educators and supervisors Gerald Corey, PhD, Robert Haynes, PhD, Patrice Moulton, PhD, and Michelle Muratori, PhD available HERE.
  • PREREQUISITE(S): Clinical Supervision I = None; Clinical Supervision II = Clinical Supervision I (ACS Only); Clinical Supervision III = Clinical Supervision I & II (ACS or through our CAC/LAC Track).
  • PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
  • DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
  • PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NICS-PE-1 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.
Payment plan available: $75 deposit plus 4 payments of $56.25, paid every four weeks.

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