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Core Strengths® Leadership Workshop
in 1 - Noeticus Center for Professional Development™ (NCPD)
NCPD: Core Strengths® Leadership Workshop
with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, LMFT, LPC, ACS

DESCRIPTION: Collaborative relationships are the key to effective teams. That’s because the ability to interact effectively with people isn’t just "nice-to-have" – it's non-negotiable. It is not the lack of knowledge, skills or motivation, but the mismanagement of relationships that creates the greatest cost to work teams. That’s where the Core Strengths® system (powered by the Strength Deployment Inventory® 2.0) comes in. Get the tools you need in order to better encourage your colleagues and team members to take initiative, innovate, and make smart decisions. Give yourself and your team the Core Strengths® advantage. Core Strengths® integrates the communication of three business priorities based on personality preferences: 1) People – a concern for helping and developing others; 2) Performance – a concern for directing action and achieving results; and 3) Process – a concern for establishing clear and meaningful order. Core Strengths® opens a window on personality by making the Motivational Value System (MVS) visible. Core Strengths® also shows how conflict affects the way we see situations and how we choose the strengths we use. By looking at who we are under two conditions – when things are going well and when in conflict – we get a fuller, dynamic, and useful picture than if we adopt the faulty assumption that we have only one way of being ourselves. All training participants will receive their own customized Core Strengths® assessment reports, as well as all class materials, as part of their registration in this highly experiential workshop, all of which are valued at over $120.00. NOTE: This training can be taken independently and is also part of Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-1-PE) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-1-CP); Save 20% by purchasing all three Level I trainings at once; Learn more HERE.
- DATE: April 25, 2025 (Friday).
- TIME: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.
- CE CONTACT HOURS: 7.5 Contact Hours.
- CE APPROVALS: DORA, NBCC; HRCI, SHRM; Level I of the Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Practice Endorsement™ (NOLD-PE-1) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Organizational and Leadership Development - Certification Program™ (NOLD-CP-1).
- RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read this book by Total SDI® developers and trainers Tim Scudder, Michael Patterson, and Kent Mitchell, available HERE.
- PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
- DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
- PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NOLD-PE-1 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.