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Culturally-Informed Treatment (14.0 Hours)
in 4h1 - Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 1 - Practice Endorsement™ (NART-PE-1; 50.0 Contact Hours)
NACCTP: Culturally-Informed Treatment
with Ryan Kennedy, PsyD, LP, LAC, MAC, RN, ACS

DESCRIPTION: This class provides a basic foundation for understanding how cultural sensitivity, awareness, responsivity, and humility can improve quality of care and increase positive outcomes for clients receiving treatment for substance use disorders and other problem behaviors. The professional counselor has an obligation to understand the client’s context and learn to communicate in a manner that the client is likely to be able to hear, understand, and accept. The counselor must have the courage and insight to explore their own biases and misconceptions of others with cultural and ethnic differences. Cultural variables to be considered include age, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, language, educational level, physical ability, economic status, and social class as well as racial and ethnic backgrounds - all of which can be influential in the therapeutic process. Individual differences when considered in a cultural context can become strengths and resources for recovery. Additionally, this and all addiction counselor classes seek to enhance the ability of the counselor to offer treatment services in a manner that respects gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, cultural, familial, systemic, and socioeconomic diversity. NOTE: This class can be taken independently, as a required course for CAT/CAS/LAC credentialing, and also as part of the Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy: Level 1 - Practice Endorsement™ (NART-PE-1) and/or the more comprehensive Noeticus Addiction and Recovery Therapy - Certification Program™ (NART-CP); Save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NART-PE Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.
- DATE: July 10 and 11, 2025 (Thursday & Friday).
- TIME: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm.
- CE CONTACT HOURS: 14.0 Contact Hours.
- CE APPROVALS: DORA, NAADAC, NBCC; Applicable to CAT/CAS/LAC Credentialing.
- RECOMMENDED TEXT: Participants may find it helpful to read the Handbook for Addiction Counselors, available HERE.
- BHA REQUIRED INSTRUCTOR: No (May Apply for Educational Equivalency).
- PREREQUISITE(S): CAT/CAS = None; LAC = N/A (Not Required).
- PAYMENT PLAN: A payment plan can be established through the online registration process.
- DISCOUNTS: Groups of 3+ = Save an Additional 10%; Military/Veterans = Save an Additional 15%; Graduate Students = Save an Additional 20%; BBIPOC/LGBTQIA+/Social Justice Rate = Save an Additional 25%; Noeticus Staff/Former Staff = Save an Additional 30% (Only One Category Available; Discount Provided Automatically at Check-Out).
- PACKAGE DISCOUNT: In addition to the discounts mentioned above, save an additional 20% by purchasing the complete NART-PE-1 Course Package. Learn more or register HERE.